4 Question to Ask for a Successful Hybrid AGM in Singapore
Companies must adapt promptly to ever-changing demands on their day-to-day business operations while the COVID-19 worldwide epidemic continues. In light of recent suggestions, businesses are now confronting various challenging options of where, when, and how to hold their annual general meeting (AGM). Local and international firms have now resorted to holding live streaming events for attendees in Singapore and abroad.
4 Questions to Get Your Virtual AGM Planning Started
Though the world has been starting to ease into its pre-pandemic activities, most are still conscious of virus transmission and infection. Most firms still choose to observe precautions to ensure all stakeholders are healthy. Thankfully, some firms can help businesses conduct hybrid AGM events in Singapore. Here are four questions to help firms begin planning.
#1 How many shareholders and speakers are there? And, where are they located?
Understanding the number of people you will need to account for can assist you in choosing a location. It can also help you determine what type of virtual event platform, hosting and production firm in Singapore you need for the virtual component. After determining your entire prospective audience size, consider your usual attendance rates. It is also best to account for the maximum capacity of your chosen venue. Given the present travel limitations, you should enable a higher proportion of shareholders to participate remotely.
Similarly, depending on your board members’ or other speakers’ location, they may opt to attend in person at the venue or remotely through a live stream or pre-recorded video. This information will serve as the foundation for your technical requirements for your hybrid AGM manufacturing partner.
#2 Are there AGM requirements that need consideration?
The key to holding a good hybrid AGM in Singapore or abroad is to use technology that does not disturb the in-room experience while encouraging virtual guests to participate. As previously said, knowing how many shareholders will attend in person vs remotely can assist you in determining which virtual solution would fulfil your demands. Here are four questions you need to ask while planning your AGM.
2.A. Which virtual event platform should you choose?
Finding the perfect virtual event platform or production provider in Singapore for your requirements might be challenging with many options available. You can inquire with your in-house event technology and services supplier if they can supply one.
If your chosen event firm cannot provide such technology, look for and select a platform that has been used for hundreds of hybrid and virtual AGMs in Singapore and worldwide. They will almost certainly provide an exceptional virtual experience that is compelling, flexible, and backed up by a team of professionals.
2.B. Does the platform provide security measures?
The platform should also provide security mechanisms to let you legally hold AGMs online. Participants will be disclosing sensitive corporate information and making critical decisions during AGMs. You will need to choose a platform or integrated solution that enables secure virtual registrations to verify the right individuals are attending and voting. Your virtual AGM production partner in Singapore should create a solution that will allow you to handle this both in-person and online.
2.C. How can they access videos, documents and other resources?
You might wish to provide documents, videos, or other corporate reports to your attendees. It is imperative to determine how your hybrid AGM attendees in Singapore and abroad will have access to them. You may also want to invite participants to fill out a survey on how they felt about the experience and any adjustments to make.
2.D. Will your platform allow in-person and virtual voting?
AGMs often entail voting and Q&A periods. Your virtual event platform and production in Singapore must be able to accomplish this even with all security and moderation rules in place. The benefit of an online voting system is that your in-person shareholders may vote using any internet-enabled device. Similarly, for the Q&A session, rather than running around the room sharing a microphone, which violates COVID-safety requirements, your in-room shareholders may use the virtual Q&A option in the virtual platform to ask their questions.
#3 Will your attendees face any challenges during the event?
The challenges might vary from bandwidth limitations to arranging material across time zones. It is especially challenging when your stockholders are from other countries. In such situations, there will be delays you need to account for, which your presenters and operators should be aware of ahead of time.
Furthermore, in-person guests will want to know that their health and safety are a top concern. There should be guidelines to guarantee that live, virtual, and hybrid meetings and events are delivered securely in the changing world. The good news is that one of the most significant advantages of holding a hybrid AGM in Singapore and abroad is the option to invite some shareholders to attend through virtual means if constraints alter drastically.
#4 How will your board members be able to deliver their presentations?
Account for in-person and hybrid presentations when planning your virtual production in Singapore. It is especially imperative for virtual events. You will need to consider the stage appearance and the virtual background for those presenting virtually, depending on how your board members want to provide their presentations. With limitations still in effect, ensure you adhere to your venue and event production partner’s COVID-safety strategy while creating the stage appearance to guarantee proper space, hygiene controls, etc.
It’s great for consistency if the stage aesthetics are similar. Most productions use a static background, or green screen, in a rudimentary virtual studio. Digital assets include embedded movies, animated graphics, microsites, and other content. Hire an event provider that can provide both live and virtual production services in Singapore for a smooth planning and production experience.
Will Dylan TV can create a platform for webinars and live AGM webcast productions for clients in Singapore and abroad. The firm strives to remove communication obstacles for its clients, regardless of their level of public speaking experience. Learn about the services they offer by visiting their website. You can also contact them for inquiries and questions.