Treating Diastasis Recti Effectively With Physical Therapy

 Treating Diastasis Recti Effectively With Physical Therapy

A divarication of recti is perhaps one of the most concerning issues for new mums. Divarication of recti (or diastasis recti) happens when the abdomen muscle is stretched enough to cause separation on its left and right side—leaving a gap in the middle. Thus it gives a visible appearance of a stretched and separated muscle, which is not often ideal when you’re aiming to return your body back to its pre-pregnancy state.

While one can look for a diastasis recti treatment in Singapore, performing the right exercise is one of the most efficient and effective solutions for reducing diastasis recti. One does not need to pay for high-end treatment or even surgery to bring the separated muscles back together again. In fact, diastasis recti can happen to any woman after pregnancy occurs.

As we have mentioned, exercising is one of the most helpful and effective solutions to reduce diastasis recti. A physical therapist is the right expert to help you get the job done. They are the experts to help adults, especially women seeking to rehabilitate their bodies during post-pregnancy recovery.

Treating Diastasis Recti With Physical Therapy – How It Works

Physical therapy or physiotherapy is one of the most effective alternatives to treat diastasis recti through a manual exercise involving strengthening or stretching activities. In conditions such as diastasis recti, a physician or physical therapist will prescribe more ideal diastasis recti exercises that suit your condition and abilities. Hence, it’s often better to ask a physical therapist about the proper exercises for you to do before following any Youtube videos or tips you can read on the Internet.

Most of the treatment plans that come in from the physical therapist and forms of exercise will derive from your condition. After all, physical therapy is also a vital component of injury rehabilitation. Same as one would do for menopausal treatment, where one would have to ask a specialist doctor before doing any medication or treatment. It helps you determine what you should do and avoid worsening the condition.

As part of the initial process, an accurate diagnosis is the first step in body rehabilitation and recovery. Before you can consider performing treatment or exercise, a diagnosis will help pinpoint the root and symptoms. Thus, the physical therapist must understand the diagnosis and base the treatment procedure on the symptoms and your current conditions.

For diastasis recti, the separation of the abdominis is the primary reason for that condition to exist in the first place. Thus, the focus of the physical therapy will aim at strengthening and working oblique muscles and exercises that keep the belly pulled in together rather than pushing it out. It is one thing where a physical therapist will derive their treatment plan and exercise prescription for patients with divarication of recti. Pelvic floor exercises are also ideal since most patients with diastasis recti can lead to pelvic floor instability which can cause incontinence.

Core exercise is also another critical part of recovering from divarication of recti. However, when people think about core exercises, they imagine doing sit-ups and crunches, which are not appropriate for mothers to do for treating diastasis recti. What doctors address are the deeper muscles within the abdomen. Thus they are also called ‘deeper core’. Exercises like Kegel, pelvic tilts, abdominal compressions, and bridges with belly scooping are ideal.

When To Start Exercising?


So, the most crucial question for moms with diastasis recti and post partum belly; is when is the right time to start performing exercises? With postpartum conditions, it’s crucial that you communicate with the doctor or physical therapist first before you deploy and begin your exercise regime. As we mentioned earlier, diagnosis is vital for determining the best-prescribed exercise and treatment plan for you to follow.

If the doctor gives you the green light (assuming that the diagnosis is done and your body can perform a specific set of exercises), you are good to go. You should feel confident to get right back to work without feeling discomfort and pain. Some physicians can recommend starting an exercise regime for post partum belly or diastasis recti for those with mild diastasis to be anywhere around six up to twelve months after the delivery.

However, you should always seek to talk to a doctor and therapist first for a more detailed and precise treatment plan, including when to start and the duration of the exercise regimen.

Effective Tips For Making The Most Out Of Physical Therapy After Childbirth


Every new mum desires to get back into shape and get rid of their post partum belly. Without further ado, here are a few effective physical therapy tips you can do after giving childbirth:

Do breathing exercise

Breathing exercise is essential. While it may not be high-impact enough to make any physical changes for your body, it helps increase oxygen levels. Thus, helping you perform your exercise regime easier. It also helps you disengage from distracting sensations making it easier to relax.

Take care of yourself

It’s crucial that you take care of yourself when performing an exercise regime. Apart from getting rid of post partum belly or diastasis recti, you need to have a routine for your diet and sleep. Know what you should do and don’t, including proper stress management.

Focus on your core abdominal

The abdominal muscles are the main target if you are aiming for diastasis recti exercises. The abdominal muscles undergo a massive change after giving birth. Thus, if you are aiming for a massive improvement to your belly (even if you don’t have diastasis recti), you should aim for the core abdominal muscles.

If you are aiming for a diastasis recti or pelvic organ prolapse treatment, visit Orchard Clinic for more info.

Laura Daniel