Reasons Why You Need To Consider Checking Maid Insurance Promotion

 Reasons Why You Need To Consider Checking Maid Insurance Promotion

In this article, we are going to talk about why you need to check maid insurance promotions. Also, we are going to discuss when you should start to buy maid insurance and tips to buy this policy.

What is maid insurance?

Maid insurance is a policy that is taken for the maids are called domestic helpers or workers. They can be appointed either from another country or from the local Singapore people. It is compulsory to take a maid insurance policy to keep your maid covered against any losses. This is a compulsory thing which is set by the Ministry of Manpower (MOM).

They had made this a compulsion after looking at the way some people treated maids. So to save the maids from any extra expense and also the employer, they decided to make this compulsory. Maid insurance gives you different kinds of covers like medical, hospitalization, liability, and other things. This is a kind of all-in-one policy that gives multiple coverages to all its policyholders.

There is some policy in the market which give you an extra benefit of taking them and are very good. Maid insurance is not that popular in the market, so the MOM is trying everything it can. They are doing a maid insurance promotion campaign where they tell others about what it is and its importance.

The best thing you can choose in maid insurance is the highest medical and hospital cover. This will ensure that you are safe from any kind of extra loss, and you don’t have to worry about the payment. Because sometimes, the employer does not have the funds to pay for the treatment and medicines. That is why it’s a good thing to take a policy and ensure the maid for future reasons.

What is E-protect maid insurance?

E-protect maid insurance is a policy that is taken online through an insurance company’s portal. Here all the terms and conditions are decided online, and also you can customize the policy. This gives the person a good thing to change the policy according to their liking, which makes it more affordable.

This means that the employer can select the coverage in the policy according to their choice. E-protect is one of the most comprehensive policies in the market and is very useful. The R-protect covers any kind of risks and also damages to the maid and also the employer. They provide all high-quality coverage and also the amounts are very big.

The only thing is that in this kind of coverage, you don’t have to pay a big amount to take the policy. They have an option where you can pay in EMI the whole amount of the policy. The E-protect gives good coverage against accidents, medical coverage, and protection against liability.

If you compare a normal policy with the E-protect maid insurance policy, then you will find some differences. That is the E-protect is the only policy that is offering a high amount of coverage with small instalments. While the other maid insurance policies charge more and also the interest is high.

What are the reasons to take E-protect insurance?

Below given is a list of reasons why you should take an E-protect maid insurance policy.

  1. E-protect has comprehensive coverage

In Singapore, there is always a piece of news on the TV about some accident that involved the maid. There is some of the other news which is related to these maids. So it is safer and better to take the E-protect policy for your home and your maid. Here are some benefits for your maid.

  • All the accident coverage and charges are covered in the E-protect insurance policy. They also give a different kind of coverage for losses that occurred to life and damages to the vehicle.
  • There is a coverage of $17,000 for all the hospital and the surgery charges. This is taken to ensure that the maid or employer does not have to face heavy losses.
  • There is also a $10,000 repatriation charge which is given when the maid wants to go home. These charges can be taken only when the maid is going home due to some reasons.

Here are some benefits to the employer.

  • There is coverage of $350 for the hiring of the new-made and termination of the lost one.
  • If your maid cannot work, then the policy will give her a salary of $30 per day on a pro-rata basis.
  • They will also give you $20 per day to find some replacement while the maid is in hospital.
  • You will not have to take the security bond as the E-protect maid will provide a letter of guarantee.
  • They will also give you a $10,000 coverage if anything is damaged by mistake by the maid.
  • There is also a $5000 coverage to the employer or maid whoever is getting abused.
  1. An E-protect maid can be customized with add on

The E-protect maid insurance policy is very comprehensive and includes many things. But if you think something is missing, you can put an add-on to your policy.

  • Covid 19 coverage that is all the expenses of the maid is taken care of in the policy itself. If your maid has taken the vaccine, then the side effects are also insured by the policy.
  1. E-protect maid is super affordable

The E-protect maid is one of the most affordable policies in the market. That is because most of the policies require you to pay the amount at the start. While in E-protect, you can pay in monthly instalment and also, the rate of interest is low.

This policy gives the maid all the different coverage that are needed as well as some extra add-on. This policy is ranked amongst the top 5 policies you can take in maid insurance. That is because of their different coverage and also the amount for which the policy can be taken.

Laura Daniel