Alcohol Withdrawal Syndrome (AWS): What is it?

 Alcohol Withdrawal Syndrome (AWS): What is it?

When a person who is physiologically dependent on alcohol abruptly quits drinking or substantially reduces their alcohol intake, they may experience a constellation of symptoms known as alcohol withdrawal syndrome. These symptoms of physical withdrawal from alcohol often make it tough for people to stay on the journey.

Signs of Alcohol Withdrawal

The following are possible signs and symptoms of alcohol withdrawal at different stages:

  • Headaches
  • Anxiety
  • Shakes or tremors
  • Insomnia
  • Fatigue
  • The mood shifts
  • Problems in the digestive system
  • A racing heart
  • Increased heartbeat or blood pressure
  • Hyperthermia
  • Abnormally fast breathing
  • Hallucinations
  • Seizure

Abuse of alcohol

Alcohol misuse is defined as drinking to the point where you run the danger of developing social, mental, and physical health concerns. Alcohol abuse is typically defined as having more than 1 drink per day for women (7 drinks per week) or 2 drinks per day for men (14 drinks per week). When a man or woman consumes four or more drinks or more in a short period of time, it is referred to as binge drinking, which is a type of alcohol abuse. Alcohol abuse or binge drinking can raise a person’s chance of having an alcohol use disorder (AUD).

The hallmark of an AUD is an inability to regulate alcohol use despite its detrimental effects. Some of the signs that someone may have an AUD include craving alcohol, developing a tolerance to its effects, and going through withdrawal when you try to quit drinking. When a person has a physiological dependence on alcohol, the withdrawal symptoms that are felt after they drastically cut back on or cease drinking can be very stressful and uncomfortable, and people frequently resort to alcohol to soothe their misery.

When to get assistance

When you can no longer control the quantity or duration of your drinking, you may need treatment for alcohol abuse. When you start to experience repercussions directly related to your alcohol abuse yet are unable to stop drinking or reduce your intake, you may also realize that you need treatment. Treatment for alcohol abuse is not far away if you ask for help at the right time.

William N. Ferranti